Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Back to NAET--Yeast #3 & Candida

We decided to try and conquer yeast yet again after grains showed they've cleared. We went through each component of the grains vial and it seems that some have cleared and others are still causing issues which we'll go back to later. Good news is that corn seems to be 'a-go', so maybe we can try adding that back to his diet.

This time with yeast we treated it with an emotion attached. Sounds strange, believe me I know! But since we were having such a problem treating it, the doc thought it was worth trying. I had to focus on the trauma he went through after his 3rd DTaP vaccine (asthma, hives, welts, vomiting, fever--for 12 days!) This was proceeded by 6 months of extreme asthma attacks that required monthly urgent care & ER visits.

Good news is that there were no skin reactions with this treatment, what a relief! But asthma reared it's ugly head. It was only a problem every time he laid down and then uncontrollable coughing fits would kick in. But he got through it, and cleared the yeast vial. However, he did not clear candida so we treated separately for the candida vial. Immediately my son's skin brightened up, reminded me of that pregnant glow. And his attitude was improved significantly--he was happy. It also seems as if the itching has subsided a bit, although it is still there. I'm going to ask if they have a cryptococcus vial, as I can't get that picture that I saw of it out of my mind (it matched the lesion on my son's foot.)

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear that he seems to be doing better than he was. I am stuck on grains. Had my 3rd treatment for them on Monday. She treated me with an emotion attached as well. Very strange. However, hopefully it works!! Thanks for the update. Your posts are encouraging to me.
