Sunday, April 11, 2010


We took a big gamble today and let the little guy have a piece of cheesy bread from a pizza place. We were at a birthday party and ran out the door without his lunch bag. Of course he loved it, he hasn't had bread or cheese since some time in August. I was a bit nervous, but he did great. No hives, no itching! It's a start, but I know I'll still be very cautious. I also learned that while I was out, hubby let the kid drink some tea with honey in it. Now honey was rated a 4 out of 6 on the RAST test and his head use to turn tomato red after having any, but there was no reaction. So that is also very encouraging! The thought of adding some foods back to his diet is awesome, maybe he'd finally gain some weight!

Also, I want to thank the ladies that took time to comment on NAET reactions!! It really helps to hear what others have experienced!!

1 comment:

  1.'s scary to let them try things huh? That is one of Jackson's favorite snacks at school BREADSTICKS with CHEESE! It's so great to know they might not be so limited and I always felt sorry for him that he could never have the "snack" everyone else was having. NAET works, it just takes time! Great news!!!! :)
