Friday, September 23, 2011


My son got to experience the taste of cinnamon donuts fresh from the cider mill, and without reaction.  Well, actually he had a donut from there a couple weeks back and had a terrible outbreak on his legs.  I worked hard to clear it up, using peroxide baths and moisturizer.  I knew he had a class field trip to the same cider mill coming up, so I made a special trip out there to pick up a donut.  I did a home naet treatment on him with the donut on Monday, and he enjoyed his donut with his class on Wednesday.  It's Friday night now, and his skin still looks great.  The best part was that he got to partake in what all the other kids were doing!  He didn't need any special food, and I didn't have to tell him he couldn't have something.  It was as if everything is normal.  As I chaperoned his trip, I sat back and watched him just be a kid.  It was wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. that is really great news!! All your hard work is paying off in spades!
    Does your practitioner tell you to do combo treatments of all the food he has had for the day, at the end of the day? Take a tiny bit of everything he has had (probably things he has already treated for), into one glass jar. Then do a home treatment like you would normally. This will also help with combinations that you might not think of...(it is also in the book)
