Saturday, March 27, 2010

Treatment #9--Metals

This weeks treatments was a toughie, the kid wasn't allowed to touch ANY metal object. Pretty much impossible, but we managed to get through the 25 hours with gloves, gate rubbing, and bribery. The weirdest thing happened during his actual treatment at the D.O.'s office, the inside of his right ear turned bright, flaming red and a few spots broke out on his face. The ear subsided after the 20 minute treatment. Very strange, but I've read about some similar reactions. We had prepped him that it was going to be a tough day and that once he got through it he could pick out a toy from Target. It's so much to ask from a 3 year-old, but he did great. Now, hopefully he clears so we don't have to repeat this one. And I hope this one helps his reaction to the pool water during swim lessons, as it's suppose to help with chlorine--will know more this week. . .

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