Saturday, February 27, 2010

Clear Skin! and NAET #6

It's been a long time coming, but DS is COMPLETELY cleared as of right now. That pesky spot above his eye has healed with the help of Protopic, I've been so reluctant to use this due to the FDA "black label" that it can cause cancer. Our doctor has been reassuring that it's completely safe as long as he's not eating tubes of it a day. It took about 4 days for the patch to heal--I applied a small fingertip amount twice a day for 3 days and then once for 2 and that seems to be all it needed. The itch has also greatly diminished. The allergist wants me to apply it 3 times a week, and the steroid cream twice a week. I'm going to play it by ear and see what's necessary.

On the asthma front, the last 5 weeks have been tough with upper respiratory infections which have required extra pulmicort and albuterol =( The allergist wants to up the daily dose of pulmicort to .5 from .25, and the Ped agrees since he says a cold should not be leading to asthma, as it shows the lungs "aren't up to snuff." Ugh. The Ped also said that once my son is feeling better that we can try to expose him to one of his environmental allergies (like caulk) to see if the MSM supplement is working and having the desired effect on the liver. Yeah, it would be nice to know, but oh how I dread these types of tests!

As for NAET, we had our 6th treatment yesterday. This was the Sugar Treatment. I'm curious to see if I notice any change, as I think sugar is a real problem from my son. His body just doesn't deal well with it, which I think it telling with his honey allergy being a level 4 on the RAST test. Interesting to note that my son said his itchies are GONE right now and is begging to eat a certain treat that he's been forbidden due to the allergies. Guess he thinks if the itchies are gone, then he can go back to eating goodies. My husband and I just had a conversation saying maybe it's coincidence, but after every NAET treatment there are positive changes that we talk about and notice.

What I notice with myself is that once his skin clears I tend to loosen up some of the food restrictions which then puts us back to square one. And it's not like it's major stuff, but twice in the past I've allowed him to eat broccoli which leads to immediate problems. I just have to remind myself not to let my guard down even though the skin problems aren't right in front of my face!

I've also come across two great NAET blogs, listed listed on the side. I so appreciate other moms sharing their experiences, thank you!


  1. I am so happy for you! That is amazing news. Hopefully his skin can and will stay clear. :-) Is he still taking all of the medications on the list at the right?

  2. Thank you, it's so great to see smooth and soft baby skin on my son! Yes, he's still taking all the meds and supplements on the right with the exception of the Cal-Amo. I'd like to add it back in (although it tastes terrible.) It's like apple cider vinegar and he's responded well to it in the past.

  3. It is great to hear you are seeing results. If it is from Naet or not I am sure it is a great relief for you and you son. I am totally convinced that Naet works. It took us about 10 treatments before we saw any sign that it was working at all and we also did it in combo with Chinese herbs. I'm sure that everyone has to find the right combination of diet and treatments and supplements etc. To answer your question about multiple vials-we often did two, three, even four vials at a time. Our practitioner would always "ask" my daughters body if it was ok to do each one and if they could be done together. Sometimes it was ok and sometimes we just did one . We did go in order of the basic 15. I'm not sure if it was an exact order by the book. Best of luck to you. I know what a relief it was for us to see results, I really hope that Naet works just as well for you!
