Saturday, February 6, 2010

Back into the Groove

It's been a few weeks since I've updated. We're back home and in full swing. Yesterday was our 4th NAET treatment; my son was treated for Vitamin C. The idea behind NAET is to reduce or eliminate sensitivity to the underlining nutrients of food which can be a hidden problem. For instance, many people are allergic to oranges but it may turn out they are allergic to the Vitamin C. I still haven't found the courage to feed him any of the foods he's reacted to in the past, particularly egg, so I can't say for certain if NAET is working. But I've talked with a couple other parents in the D.O.'s office who are seeing vast improvements in their children. I can only hope we're a fraction as lucky.

Skin treatment is going well these days. The Atopiclair (prescription) has been effective, allowing us to stay off steroid creams for days at a time. CereVa cream (OTC) is a God-send. We apply these pretty much head-to-toe 2-3 times a day. We had a bout with asthma last week, my son woke up a t 4am with a terrible croupy cough. I was certain he would end up in the ER. We had 4 hour albuterol treatments for about a week, along with 2x/day Pulmicort .5, and I supplemented with Tartepheedrel drops (homepathic) 5 drops every 15-60 minutes. I did take him to Urgent Care at one point because I couldn't get the pulling to stop, but his O2 levels were 100 (awesome!!). So they prescribed a steroid and antibiotic, both of which we didn't end up using because he improved shortly after our visit.

So that's the scoop for now =)

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