Friday, June 11, 2010

Base #14

So close to being done with the basic 15, it seems like an eternity since we started NAET back in December.  But it's only been 6 months.  Some of the delay was on our part, being out of town and such; and some was due to having to repeat a number of treatments to get clearance.  Today was Base, and one of the easier food avoidance treatments---thankfully!

Our last treatment was Cottonwood, and then we headed South for vacation.  My kid was a new person while in Florida, perfectly clear skin.  The second our plane returned home, I could see slight reddness in his trouble areas (eyelids and above the right eye.)  Not terrible, but it was there along with mild itching.  I think it's some of the pollens and grasses in our area.

I scheduled two treatments for next week, one to complete the basics and one to treat for chlorine!  That's my first choice seeing how my son reacts EVERY week to the pool water at swim lessons.  We've gotten so accustomed to the food allergies, that avoiding them a little longer doesn't really matter.

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