Sunday, December 12, 2010

Where We're At Now

I haven't updated lately mostly because we were out of town, there's been nothing major in my kid's health to report on, and he was stuck on the egg treatment with NAET.

Let me back up a bit . . .I wrote "there's been nothing major in my kid's health to report on."  This is a major statement in and of itself!  Do I dare jinx it to say there has been no coughing, runny nose, or any major or lasting eczema outbreaks?!  He hasn't taken his daily dose of Zyrtec in many, many weeks.  Which I give some credit to the change of season (summer is always tough on him.)  He's sleeping much better at night, not even requiring any Atarax to go to bed.  He doesn't lay in bed and itch like before or demanding his eyebrows be rubbed (they're a trouble spot for him); he actually falls asleep on his own. Come to think of it, the only prescriptions he's currently taking is his nightly dose of LDN, 2 puffs of Flovent to control asthma, and Epiceram cream after his baths on his known trouble spots and the Cera'Ve (not Rx) on the rest of his body.  Aside from that, he gets a daily capsule of probiotics (it's awesome that he learned to swallow pills!), 2000 IUs of Vitamin D, and a multi vitamin.  He's in such a better place these days, and everyone notices.  The best compliment we've received is from one of the ladies that works at the childcare center at the gym who sees him every week.  She said, "I know you're doing this alternative medicine stuff, and I don't understand it especially sine my dad was a medical doctor and my mom a nurse, but it's obvious it's working--he looks great!"

As for NAET, it ended up taking 4 additional treatments to get the all-clear on egg.  Since egg was such an issue for him, we're eventually going to do some additional work on it and I'm not ready to introduce egg at this time. We have since treated for corn which he cleared and we're ready to try.  This past week we actually treated for silicone as his eyes were breaking out to his new swim goggles.  So we'll see how that goes tomorrow at swim class.  He's been eating clementines by the box full, sometimes 2-3 per day, and doing great with tomatoes and pork.  All these foods use to cause immediate hives.  Next up is either soy or shell fish (as I want to be able to give him a krill oil supplement which is more shelf stable than fish oil, and more nutrient dense.)

Boy, what a difference a year has made!

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