Saturday, October 13, 2012


With our NAET practitioner out of town, and the introduction to NMT, we decided to give NMT a try due to the success that my neighbor and her child has had with NMT.  My son has now had 3 NMT treatments.  The sessions are much longer than what we've experienced with NAET, lasting an hour although the concepts are similiar to some extent.  NMT is energy work (like NAET), and it's trying to reprogram the body (like NAET), but it looks and treats whole systems of the body, unlike NAET that deals with indivdual allergens.  The first treatment my son received was for body balancing, and the next two worked on his immune system and infectious agents. 

My husband decided to give NMT a try, also, and he's since had two treatments.  His first treatment dealt with the immune system, which occurred on the same day as my son's immune system treatment.  My son went first, and while in the waiting room my son's nose started to run uncontrollably which was out of the blue because he didn't have any issues up until that point.  Then my husband finished up his treatment and comes out saying that during his session his nose started running, and he had a lot of drainage in the back of of throat.  Strange coincidence I'd say.  Part of me wanted to think that there must have been something in the environment causing this, but we've seen these types of reactions with NAET.  After both my husband's NMT treatments, he's spent the next few days nausiated, extremely fatigued, alot of coughing, and aggrevated asthma.  This is what's known as a healing crisis, this is a natural process the body takes when it's trying to heal and balance itself.  My son doesn't seem to expereince such dramatic symptoms, aside from drainage.

Is it helping?  I'm not sure at this stage, but my son seems extremely stable right now.  He looks great, is using his daily asthma med minimally, is eating regular store bought bread, and just overall doing well.  Not to mention that he's putting weight on and has grown a bit taller.  What else can I really ask for?  My husband was on a business trip this week and said he had no issues with asthma what-so-ever, after spending last weekend down and out following his NMT treatment.

Our NMT practioner spent 30 years as an ICU nurse before getting into energy medicine.  She started with NAET, and her words to me were "I wish you would have found NMT sooner, it's so much faster and more effective than NAET."  She estimates that we'll need 6-10 treatements instead of the many, many NAET treatments we've gone through.  Time will tell.


  1. Interesting, I thought I'd heard of all the natural treatment options out there, but NMT is new to me. I'll be interested to read as your story continues. We didn't have any luck with NAET either and it was so time consuming - we spent six months going twice a week. It was a big disappointment for us.

  2. Another option is The Allergy Kit. It is a home treatment protocol that uses vials just like NAET and a laser to eliminate your allergies. The kit treats over 100 allergies and is easy to use and can treat everyone in the family. The best part about it is that "YOU DON'T HAVE TO ABSTAIN" from the item you are being treated for. Great for kids and husbands.
    Check it out at:

  3. Any update on your son and husband's condition?

    1. My husband is doing amazingly well. He found a functional medicine doctor that diagnosed him with low cortisol levels which was disrupting his sleep (he'd be completely awake after 2 hours of sleep and exhausted the rest of the day.) The blood tests he had done also showed that his brain was not absorbing amino acids, so he's been on a protocol tailored to his needs since July. He's doing great--sleeping 7-10 hours/night, lots of energy, down 20 pounds, and all around just healthy. His immune system has been stable (knock on wood), and he hasn't needed his asthma meds (another knock on wood!) He's been eating healthy, lots of home cooking focused on organic whole foods.

    2. Oh, and I meant to mention that he has gone gluten free since July. He was having some joint pain in his hands, and magically this disappeared after he stopped eating gluten.

  4. Eczema mom, so happy your hubby is feeling better my hub also sleeps very little...what tests did you to confirm cortisol and amino acid findings?

    1. There was some 24 hour saliva and urine test he had to do, along with the blood test. Unfortunately I do not recall the names of these tests. We thought the diagnosis was going to comeback as adrenal fatigue, but to our surprise it was low cortisol. Sorry I'm not more help right now, I'll have to ask my husband again.
