Wednesday, April 18, 2012

uKnow Peanut Allergy Test

Phadia announces first-ever commercial availability of peanut allergen component tests

uKnow Peanut Test™, a new, more precise peanut allergy test, provides physicians and patients molecular level clarity to aid in the diagnosis and help assess the risk of allergic reaction to peanut

Phadia announces first-ever commercial availability of peanut allergen component tests - Phadia - Setting the Standard -

My allergist has been talking about this for the past few months, as it was recenlty made available in the US.  The issue right now is cost, it's not currently covered by insurance.  Apparently it's been used in Europe for sometime.  The test isolates the specific proteins, 'Ara', which peanuts have 8 Ara I believe.  Allergies to certain Ara are harmless, while other Ara are deadly.  With this test the idea is to know how dangerous your peanut allergy really is, and if it's necessary to avoid them.


  1. I just wanted to say, I love your blog. You seem like you have traveled a very similar path as I. This post hits home for me as recently we have gone through a series of NAET treatments to find out at our traditional IGe blood draw last month that our child's numbers went up. And on top of that acquired new allergies according to this test. While I am not going to challenge the test with a food challenge, it certainly made us look to the tests themselves that are defining the severity of the allergies. Some may question whether NAET is working. To that, I would say the numbers don't indicate it, but my child who had routine ear infections, phenomena, croup - has not been sick in 7 months. That is unbelievable for us. So, we feel something is working.

    I have been gathering information on the inconsistencies of the RAST test. I am not for or against the test, I just want to see if there are more comprehensive or accruate tests out there to measure the severity of the food allergies we are avoiding. Afterall these tests truly make a family living with food allergies avoid whatever pops up in the high range.

    I was posting on my blog for a while, then got discouraged at the last round of results. I will be back posting information I have found too. At this point we have journaled our NAET steps, but will be adding more of the information that we have found to lead us to a cure not avoidance. Feel free to check it out (you may have previously): (previously under rileyjaymz).

    Again, thanks for you blog -- it is great!!!

  2. Hi! Just came across your blog when researching information on food allergy for my blog; I'm also a mom of a child with eczema, and trying to support other parents in whatever way I can!

    Started support group and a national fund for low income as treatment, particularly moisturizers, are not subsidized in Singapore.
