Monday, October 11, 2010

Healing Power of Probiotics

An interesting article on the healing power of probiotics.  We use one by Klaire Labs.  He was originally prescribed 100+billion CFUs/day in the powder form, but since he's learned to swallow pills he's only getting 50+billion.  They're just so expensive and to take 4 a day would cost a fortune!


  1. Have you used probiotics to shorten colds with any luck? I read this article about using them to prevent and shorten colds, so wondering if anyone feels it works.

  2. I can't say for certain that colds have been shortened, but I do think probiotics play an important role in good health. I make sure my son takes them everyday, and as far as colds go I would say he's been relatively healthy. I asked his allergist as to what he believes has given rise to the increase in food allergies, and he believes the answer lies within gut health.

  3. Hi! My son just started NAET for his dairy allergy etc.. and he's also on supplements. I can not get him to swallow a pill for anything. Any tips? Also thank you for posting all this on your blog. It's so helpful to read. My son had NAET yesterday for sugar and threw up 4 times this morning. Then he was totally fine 5 hours later. I'm intrigued and am trying NAET myself. Thanks so much, Amanda

  4. Hi Amanda,
    I hope you find success with NAET! I've learned that any time my son shows a reaction after a treatment that it's a sign that it's working. As for swallowing pills, my son despised the powered probiotics, so that was enough to get him to take pills. I started with a very small vitamin D pill and we made a little game of it, ("I bet you can't do this sorta thing . . .") He thought it was cool that he could do it. Not sure if that helps much. Keep me posted on your NAET journey!
