Friday, April 30, 2010

I can handle it all, except . . .

Asthma! It's the one thing that will drive me completely over the edge. Watching my child struggle to breathe is just gut-wrenching. And when he doesn't respond to the albuterol medication like he should, well I can't even explain how that makes me feel. And not that this is about me, it's about my child suffering. Tuesday evening was one of those nights. The cold from his eyes moved into his sinuses and then into his chest. He started retracting so I gave him a breathing treatment, and then 1 1/2 hours later he was coughing uncontrollably and needed another dose. Mind you one dose should last 4 hours. Then he needed a 3rd dose 3 hours later. We were so close to heading to the ER, but fortunately he held stable. It's just so scary when that asthma sets in, it sends my anxiety off the charts. We went back to the Peds office the next day (for the 5th time in 12 days!), and the Ped was actually pleased to see the improvement in his eyes. Since then we've kept up with the albuterol treatments and he's done remarkably well. Hopefully this has all just been a small step back in our quest for health for this child, he deserves to be healthy! He works so hard at it!

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